GPA Calculator UK

Expert Assignment Writers boasts an excellent uni-grade calculator tool for UK students. If you are studying in a college or university, our best online GPA calculator can help you calculate your grade point average.

The GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is a figure that shows how high you scored on average in the subjects you are taking. Your GPA monitors your performance utilising a scale from 1.0 to 4.0 during your studies. This figure is used to analyse if you meet the criteria and standards set by the college or degree program.

How is the GPA Calculator Tool Important?

It is super important for students to monitor their academic progress using a GPA calculator. It is only feasible if they know their existing GPA or the most recent one they have secured.

Standard Grading Values on GPA

Percent Grade Letter Grade GPA
97-100 A+ 4.0
93-96 A 3.7
90-92 A- 3.3
87-89 B+ 3.0
83-86 B 2.7
80-82 B- 2.3
77-79 C+ 2.0
73-76 C 1.7
70-72 C- 1.3
67-69 D+ 1.0
65-66 D 0.7
Below 65 F 0.0

However, the standard of Grade Point Average calculation may vary regarding grading format. Although, a university GPA calculator not only gauges the GPA at the university level but could also be utilised as a high school GPA calculator. 

Whatever the case may be, measuring GPA aids you in finding the academic place you stand on. It will assist you in creating the objectives for further academic development.





What is the Equivalent GPA in the UK?

There are no permanent or set criteria, but there is a comparable range that aids in comprehending and changing grades to a 4.0 GPA scale.

Equivalent GPA in the UK

British Degree Classification UK Module Marks GPA (Grade Point Average)
First-class honours 70+ 4.0
Upper-second class honours 65-69 3.7
Upper-second class honours 60-64 3.3
Lower-second class honours 55-59 3.0
Lower-second class honours 50-54 2.7
Third class honours 45-49 2.3
Third class honours 40-44 2.0
Ordinary/Unclassified 35-39 1.0
Ordinary/Unclassified Below 35 0.0

To calculate a Grade Point Average on a particular standard in the United Kingdom, you should know how to use an online GPA calculator UK to entertain the specifications.

Step-by-Step Process of Using An Online GPA Calculator

Here is the procedure to follow to use our best GPA calculator without hassle.

Step 1: Select The Grade Format

The method for using a GPA calculator is the same whether you are in college or university. The grading format is typically employed in the two following ways.



Either your college gives you marks in alphabet format which is the marking system from letters A-F. Whereas,

A = Best

B = Good

C = Satisfactory

D = Requires Improvement

F = Failed

Or they give you scores in a % format from 0 to 100 per cent with variations.

You should carefully choose the grading method in which you wish to measure your GPA (or the one which is utilised by your university for marking). It will help you conduct the other steps accordingly.

Step: 02

Feed the Current GPA (Optional)

Submit your current Grade Point Average and your completed credit hours. Our GPA calculator will begin measuring your semester GPA, once you have submitted the credit hours taken and the latest grade point average by entering your current GPA. You can skip this step.

Step: 03

Submit the Semester Name (Optional)

Add the name of the semester you wish to measure the GPA of. It could be your current semester or the previous one, that is your choice.

Semester name aids you in handling the grade point average according to the semester which is from spring, fall, and summer. The monitoring of GPA per semester will be convenient with a semester name. You can skip this step too.

Step: 04

Add the Courses and Measure the GPA

Now that you have chosen the grade format, and added the current GPA, and the semester name (if you wish), it’s time to enter the course no matter how many they are. This is the method to enter courses:

  • Subject name (Social Sciences, Maths, etc.)
  • Add the grade (percentage or alphabet grade)
  • Credit Hours (submit ‘1’ if you don’t know the exact value)
  • Kind of the course (Regular, Honours, etc.)

The marks could be understood through:

  • For the Regular classes, grades are according to the standard range. (A=4, B=3, C=2 etc.)
  • As per the Honours classes, grades are elevated by half a point on a regular scale.
  • For colleges or Advanced Placement, grades are elevated by one point on the regular scale.

The grade point average will be modified and upgraded automatically after you add the weight of the class.

Step: 05

Enter another semester to calculate your GPA

To enter more semesters or courses, just tap on each choice.

  •  Click ‘Add Course’ to enter another course for the semester.
  • Click ‘Add Semester’ to measure the GPA of another semester.

Expert Assignment Writers has developed an excellent GPA Calculator that will measure the GPA plus the CGPA (cumulative grade point average) that explains the full worth of scoring in semesters.


Q: How do you measure your grade point average?

The GPA is measured through the total points earned and the total number of credit hours. The fundamental formula to measure a GPA is to divide the total number of points secured in a class or a single semester by the total number of credit hours completed. The outcome in the figures will be your GPA.

Q: Is a 2.7 GPA normal or low?

A 2.7 grade point average means that you have secured an average grade. A grade of B- is allotted on a 2.7 GPA with a percentage of about 80%. It says that you haven’t achieved the highest marks but also not bad marks. It is not an excellent grade point average but adequate on average. A decent GPA begins from 3.0-4.0 based on the standard range of grading. 2.7 is not a low-grade point average either.

Q: What GPA is needed for Oxford?

Oxford University takes the best students. They want you to achieve a 3.5-4.0 grade point average to get enrolled in Oxford University. Any marks lower than 3.5 are not accepted at all. Furthermore, they also expect students to get higher marks than others in the admission test standard. Only pupils with a +3.5 GPA will be permitted to sit in the admission test for Oxford University.

Q: What GPA is needed for Harvard?

Harvard needs you to be the number one in your class with a 4.18 GPA. The above 4.0 grade point average is either dependent on a 5.0 range standard or a 6.0 scale standard of GPA. You will be requiring almost all A’s in your high school to have a chance of getting admission at Harvard University. IB or AP courses which are deemed harder and challenging than typical subjects should be thought about for the Harvard Dream.

Q: How is GPA measured in the United Kingdom?

The grade point average is measured with the total amount of credit hours completed in a program with the total number of points secured in the program. Typically the grade standard range of 4.0 is employed in UK universities. The measurement is somewhat explained as +70 percent as the 4.0 Grade Point Average or GPA. But, the CGPA is also important in the UK’s grading criteria.